Tired of storage unit price shopping? We've got you covered! With our Storage Plus price match guarantee, you can be confident you're getting the best deal on your storage unit.
Here's how it works:
- Find a competitor within 5km of our location offering a lower advertised price for a similar unit size and service level.
- Show us the proof (e.g., competitor website, written quote) at the time of booking.
- We'll match the competitor's price!
Enjoy the benefits of choosing us:
- Clean, secure, and well-maintained facilities.
- Variety of unit sizes to fit your needs.
- Convenient locations across Sydney and Melbourne.
- Friendly and helpful customer service.
Don't settle for overpaying! Find the best storage unit for your needs at the best price.
Contact us today to learn more and claim your price match!
(02) 8345 6000
Terms and conditions:
- Price match applies to advertised prices only.
- Competitor must be located within a 5km radius of our facilities.
- Matching unit must be similar in size and service level.
- Excludes promotional offers and discounts.